UVic Programming Club

First meeting

  1. Hello World!
  2. The Easiest Problem Is This One
    Summing digits of integer n:
    Method 1: math
     sum = 0
     while n != 0:
         sum = sum + n % 10
         n = floor(n / 10)

    Method 2: convert to string

     sum = 0
     s = to_string(n)
     for each char c in s:
         sum += int(c)
  3. Beat the Spread!
     if s < d or (s + d) % 2 != 0:
         print((s + d) / 2, (s - d) / 2)
  4. Palindrome Substring
    Idea: expand around substrings, 2 possible cases: odd length (get a 3 letter substring then expand) or even length (get a 2 letter substring then expand). My solution took 0.13s for C++ and 0.44s for Python. If anyone has a better solution, please share it to the club.
     function add_palindrome_substring(s, l, r, substrings):
         while l >= 0 and r < s.length and s[l] == s[r]:
             substrings.add(substring of s from position l to r)
             l -= 1
             r += 1
     s = input()
     n = s.length
     substrings = set()
     for i = 0 -> n:
         if i + 1 < n:
             add_palindrome_substring(s, i, i + 1, substrings)
         if i + 2 < n:
             add_palindrome_substring(s, i, i + 2, substrings)